Saturday, February 11, 2012

Matchbook Notepads

The next meeting of the Chattanooga Book Arts Collaborative will be:
Sunday, February 19
2:00-5:00 p.m.
Jewish Cultural Center
5461 North Terrace Drive
Chattanooga TN 37411

At this meeting, we will be making simple Matchbook Notepads.

Bring the following supplies:

·      Several pieces of cardstock  (different colors and patterns) cut 9” x 3”
·      Plain or lined paper, cut 4-1/4” x 3 (10 per notepad)
·      Also, bring cardstock and paper so you can experiment making different sizes of notepads at the meeting
·      X-Acto knife or break-off knife
·      Scissors
·      Ruler
·      Cutting Mat
·      Waxed linen thread
·      Stapler

Be sure to read the posting below about other book arts happenings.